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Unlocking the Brilliance of Sustainable Diamonds: Lab Grown vs. Natural

by Luis Navarro
Last updated on October 11, 2023
Ring Basket Setting

The pursuit of sustainable choices has become more than just a trend; it’s a way of life. Among the many considerations for eco-conscious individuals, the choice of jewelry often takes center stage, particularly when it comes to those timeless symbols of love and commitment – diamonds. Diamonds, with their unparalleled beauty and enduring significance, have long held a cherished place in our hearts and culture. However, the diamond industry has faced scrutiny over the years due to environmental concerns, ethical dilemmas, and the complex process of extracting these precious gems from the Earth. As a result, a growing number of consumers are seeking an alternative that aligns with their values – sustainable diamonds.

What Are Sustainable Diamonds?

two lab grown diamond engagement rings

Diamonds have fascinated humanity for centuries, but in today’s world, the allure of these precious gems extends beyond their intrinsic beauty. Sustainable diamonds have emerged as a shining beacon in the realm of responsible consumerism.

Diamonds that are sustainable, often called ethical or eco-friendly diamonds, are those that commit to minimizing their negative impact on the environment and upholding ethical labor practices. These diamonds are sourced and crafted in a way that prioritizes social responsibility and environmental stewardship throughout their entire life cycle.

Importance of Sustainability in the Diamond Industry

Historically synonymous with opulence and luxury, the diamond industry is now undergoing a significant transformation driven by a growing awareness of sustainability issues.

Reduce Environmental Footprint: Sustainable practices aim to minimize the environmental damage caused by traditional diamond mining, including habitat disruption, water pollution, and energy consumption.

Ensure Ethical Sourcing: Ethical concerns related to the treatment of miners, human rights violations, and conflict diamonds (often referred to as “blood diamonds”) have prompted a push for more transparent and ethical sourcing practices.

Promote Local Communities: Sustainable diamonds contribute to the well-being of local communities by providing fair employment opportunities and supporting community development initiatives.

The Traditional Diamond Mining Process

Forest that was cut down to make way for a mine
Coal mines like the Lumbung Mine are having a huge impact on local and indigenous populations in Indonesia, destroying the environment and polluting river water, normally used for cooking. Central Kalimantan, Borneo. June 8th 2013. The World Development Movement is campaigning for banks and other parts of the financial sector to be forced to disclose the carbon footprint of their investments.

Although romanticized for its connection to Earth’s deep geological history, natural diamond mining has raised significant environmental and ethical concerns over the years.

Environmental Degradation

Large-scale mining operations often entail the clearing of land, leading to deforestation and the displacement of wildlife. Mining diamonds can contaminate water sources with harmful chemicals, negatively affecting aquatic ecosystems and local communities that rely on these waterways. The carbon footprint of a traditionally mined diamond is substantial, with emissions generated from transportation, machinery, and energy-intensive processes. The removal of soil during mining disrupts natural landscapes, leading to erosion and decreased soil fertility.

Unethical Diamonds

Beyond the environmental concerns, the mined diamond industry has faced severe ethical dilemmas. Conflict diamonds, also known as “blood diamonds,” are those that are mined in war zones and sold to finance armed conflict, often leading to human rights abuses and suffering in these regions. Some diamond mining operations have been associated with the use of child labor, a practice that violates international labor standards. Miners in certain regions work under hazardous conditions with limited safety measures, leading to injuries and health risks. Furthermore, the lack of transparency in the diamond supply chain poses challenges for consumers in determining the origin of their diamonds and whether they have been ethically sourced.

Sustainability Factors to Consider

model laying down on a rock while wearing a diamond ring

When choosing a diamond, especially if sustainability is a top priority, it’s essential to consider various factors contributing to their overall sustainability.

Transparency in Sourcing

Transparency in diamond sourcing means knowing exactly where and how the diamond was produced. Look for diamonds with certificates or documentation that provide insight into their origin, ensuring they are ethically and responsibly sourced. This certification provides peace of mind that your purchase does not contribute to violence or human rights abuses.

Carbon Footprint and Energy Consumption

Assess the carbon footprint and energy consumption associated with the production of the diamond. Consider diamonds created using renewable energy sources like solar or wind power.

Human Rights and Ethical Labor Practices

Investigate the labor conditions of the individuals involved in the diamond’s production, whether in a mine or a lab. Ethical considerations should encompass fair wages, safe working conditions, and adherence to labor rights. Choose diamonds from companies that prioritize ethical labor practices and have policies in place to prevent the use of child labor or exploitative practices.

Lab Grown Diamonds: A Sustainable Alternative

Model posing with flowers while wearing multiple diamond rings and a tennis bracelet

As consumers become increasingly conscientious about their choices, lab grown diamonds have emerged as a sustainable and ethical alternative to natural mined diamonds. Lab grown diamonds are created in controlled laboratory environments rather than being formed deep within the Earth over millions of years. The two most common processes for creating lab diamonds are:

Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) – In this method, a small diamond seed crystal is placed in a chamber filled with carbon-rich gases. Under high temperatures and low pressure, carbon atoms attach to the seed crystal, gradually forming a larger diamond.

High-Pressure High-Temperature (HPHT) – HPHT replicates the extreme conditions found deep within the Earth. Intense heat and pressure subject a carbon source, such as graphite, causing it to crystallize into a diamond.

These methods yield diamonds with the same physical, chemical, and optical properties as natural diamonds.

Environmental Benefits of Lab Grown Diamonds

Lab created diamonds have a significantly smaller ecological footprint compared to natural diamonds. They require fewer natural resources and produce fewer carbon emissions during their production. Unlike traditional mining, lab grown diamonds do not involve land clearance, habitat destruction, or soil erosion, preserving natural ecosystems. Diamond mining often requires substantial water usage for processing, which can deplete local water sources. Lab grown diamonds, on the other hand, have minimal water consumption. Diamond growing facilities can source their energy from renewable sources, further reducing the carbon emissions associated with their production.

Ethical Advantages of Choosing Lab Grown Diamonds

A lab grown diamond is inherently conflict-free. They are not associated with war zones or the funding of armed conflicts, providing peace of mind to consumers. The production of lab grown diamonds occurs in controlled, regulated environments where labor conditions can be closely monitored, ensuring fair treatment and safe working conditions for employees. Additionally, lab diamonds offer greater transparency in the supply chain, which makes it easy for consumers to trace the origin of their diamonds and verify ethical sourcing.

Addressing Common Myths About Lab Grown Diamonds

Female model laying down and posing with a diamond ring

As lab grown diamonds gain popularity, they have also become the subject of various misconceptions and myths.

“Lab Grown Diamonds Lack Brilliance” – Many believe that lab grown diamonds do not possess the same sparkle as natural diamonds. This misconception is false. Lab grown diamonds have the same physical and chemical properties, resulting in equal or even superior brilliance.

“Lab Grown Diamonds Are Not Real Diamonds” – Lab grown diamonds are indeed real diamonds. They are simply created in a different environment.

“Lab Grown Diamonds Are Less Valuable” – The value of a diamond is determined by factors such as carat weight, color, clarity, and cut, regardless of whether it’s natural or lab grown. Lab diamonds can offer better value for money due to their typically lower price point.

Sustainable Diamond Certification

Close up shot of a model's hands wearing two diamond rings and a tennis bracelet

SCS Global Services is a widely recognized certification body that offers the SCS-007 certification for sustainable diamonds. They employ rigorous standards and assessments to verify the sustainability of diamonds. The SCS-007 certification sets specific criteria for sustainable diamond production, including the lab grown diamond industry. It focuses on adherence to ethical labor standards, and a commitment to reducing the diamond’s carbon footprint. SCS-007 certification is internationally recognized, ensuring that diamonds bearing this certification meet stringent sustainability and ethical criteria across the globe.

Clean Origin takes the lead in ensuring the sustainability and ethicality of diamonds by offering diamonds that are SCS-007 certified. This certification underscores our commitment to providing sustainable lab grown diamonds that meet the highest standards of environmental responsibility and ethical sourcing.

Choosing the Right Sustainable Diamond

A female model picking flowers while wearing multiple diamond rings

Choosing the perfect sustainable diamond involves the evaluation of multiple factors, including the 4Cs – carat weight, color, clarity, and cut. These attributes not only determine the diamond’s appearance but also influence its value and overall quality. Here’s how to consider the 4Cs when choosing a sustainable diamond:

Carat Weight

Carat weight refers to the size of a diamond. Consider your budget and personal preferences when choosing your diamond’s carat weight. Remember that larger diamonds are rarer and often more expensive.


Diamonds are graded on a color scale, ranging from D (colorless) to Z (light yellow or brown). The choice of color depends on your preference for a pure, colorless diamond or one with a warm, romantic hue.


Diamond clarity refers to the presence of internal or external imperfections, known as inclusions and blemishes. Clarity grades range from Flawless (no imperfections visible under 10x magnification) to Included (imperfections visible to the naked eye). Determine your tolerance for imperfections based on your budget and personal preferences.


The cut of a diamond determines its brilliance and how well it interacts with light. Opt for a well-cut diamond that exhibits exceptional sparkle and symmetry. A well-cut diamond can make a stone with a slightly lower color or clarity appear more radiant.

Find the Perfect Sustainable Diamond at Clean Origin

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Skip the chaos of crowded mall jewelers. Browse our breathtaking selection of ethically and sustainably sourced diamond rings right from your home.

We empower you to shop with confidence every step of the way. Expert guidance and education are always available through virtual appointments with our diamond specialists. They’re happy to answer any questions and provide recommendations tailored to your style and budget. If you’d like to view our lab grown diamond jewelry in person, we welcome you to schedule a relaxing, personalized visit at one of our nearby locations.

From online to in-store, we make finding diamond jewelry stress-free and fun.